Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Catching Y'all Up..

So I haven't blogged in like a week. Ugh, bad blogger!

So i'm gonna give you a bunch of random updates!

1. I have been eating all vegetarian, mostly vegan, and a tiny bad. Had some ice cream and pizza (cheese), but both separately made my stomach hurt afterward. Karma. Here are some good eats though:

 Earthfare Lunch. OMG. Roasted Brussell Sprouts make my life better.

 Free Breakfast at hotel this morning. Potatoes and fruit. Random.

The most Orgasmic Salad ever. Just look at it. Yum.

2. Workouts have been baller. Haven't missed a beat. Saturday run was three miles, farthest yet, and it was not too bad at all. Couple walk breaks, but I kept them very short!

Sweating mid elliptical.

3. I need to stop drinking. Made me completely unproductive on Sunday. Blah.

4. I'm staying at a hotel out of town for work this week. Eating for free and still trying to eat well is a balancing act, but I'm doing good!

5. I think I weigh less this week, but I don't have my scale so its whatever. I will have the number next Monday.

6. How cute is this kitteh??!

7. Okay I'm gonna show you some comparison pics now! I don't see a huge difference, but I'm pushing!

Week 1 thru 3

That's all for now!


Mandy- the running herbivore!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why My Bills Tryin'a Cramp My Style???

Okay so I have built up lots of bills over the years. Oh being young and dumb. Plus rent, car payment, car insurance, electricity, water, cable, internet, ohhhmyygahhhitneverendssss.

In all honesty I struggle just to be able to afford a healthy grocery list sometimes. There are moments I contemplate living off ramen and saying screw it!

I get so jealous of so many healthy living bloggers because it seems like they can afford of all this stuff that I feel would make my journey so much easier and more fun!

I can't afford Lulu Lemon. Hell, I can't afford Target or Wal-Mart! I have a few pieces of each type of work out gear and I have to wash it alot because I'm weird about wearing things twice. Thus, its pretty worn out now. But I can't afford anything new. This sucks.

I can't afford fancy food processors, juicers, knives, pots, pans, so forth. I have a small crock pot and a blender and some old pots and pans. I'm grateful to have at least these things, but sometimes I get really sad I can't make some of the recipes I see because of not having the right equipment! This sucks.

I can't afford all the "extra" healthy products. Coconut oil, amino acids, this seed, that seed, protein powders, preworkout fuel, postworkout fuel, etc. I want to make my food healthier! I want to add extra awesome flavors! This sucks.

I can't afford new running shoes. I've had my running shoes for like two years. That's bad. I desperately need a new pair, but I just can't get them. This freakin SUCKS.

I'm so glad that everyone else can have these things, I want people to be healthy and enjoy every aspect of it! I just really wish I could too! And I despise the fact that I'm coming off as a whiner right now! That's not me at all! I guess I just wanted to vent my frustrations a little bit.

I know things will get better and some of my bills will be gone eventually, but its just a little annoying until then! I can afford more than others, so I really shouldn't complain. I'm grateful for the things I have, but sometimes..


Okay I'm done with my whine sesh! Off to go run in my old clothes and shoes and not have a fancy protein shake afterwards. Okay really done now!

Hopefully a few of you can relate!

Mandy - the Running Herbivore

PS I am now taking applications for a rich husband. Email link above! ;)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Let's Talk about Running Babyyyy (Salt-N-Pepa Style)

I really don't know why I feel the need to sing my blog titles. Although, I have been known to sing things to people (okay family) randomly, so it would probably seem completely normal to them.

At least you can't hear it.

So back to "running." Ugh running. Errrr running. I have such a love/hate relationship with it. I love the thought of running, I hate when I'm actually running, and I love when I'm done running. Got it?

Okay, to break it down better... I've made running goals a million times. Run a 5K, Run a 10K, Run a Half Marathon, and I never freakin stick to it! Okay, I ran a 5K a couple times way after the planned day and I completed the USMC Mud Run (6 miles plus a zillion, yes a zillion obstacles). I just feel like I'm so bad at meeting goals that I set and that frustrates the crap out of me! I always give up, its a vicious cycle!

Also, running is HARD for me. Like really, really hard. My brain is all for it for like 1/2 a mile and then its constantly telling me I can't do it, its too hard, you have to stop. I'm constantly fighting that voice and that makes it even harder.

I feel like running just one mile is still hard and I've run a mile and half to two and half miles multiple times since I started back a few weeks ago. I feel like I should be progressing, I should be faster, this should be easier, and then I'm like...

I've only been really back to running for a FEW weeks. A couple years ago I couldn't run for a minute without being out of breath and feeling like I was going to pass out. I broke my ankle five years ago and I am blessed that I can even run at all. I have run 3 miles without stopping. I've run/walked/hobbled/climbed/jumped/crawled/swam six miles for the mud run without giving up. I've accomplished a ton. Oh and hey I might have lost like 85 pounds along the way. No biggie!

There's literally no way I'm not running this Half Marathon in October. I don't know how fast I'll go. I can't promise there won't be a few walk breaks in there. It will be completed by me, though. I want to do it for my  family and friends who support me, for the 5 people who read this blog, and of course for MYSELF!

Mandy - The Running Herbivore

Monday, July 8, 2013

I Like it Cheap and Easy..

My food that is.

Ever since I started getting healthy years ago, I realized that I needed a simple meal plan to keep me on track. When I start trying to get fancy that's when I'm like "screw it, I'm going to McDonald's." Okay, maybe not McDonald's because I haven't been a fan of them for years and years, but some other faster, quicker option where I'd probably over indulge.

I like to have the same breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the week. Some people might think this is crazy, but it makes it easier on me.

I also like to keep the ingredients simple. When a recipe starts getting past the 10-15 ingredient list, I lose interest. That's just too much work and too complicated for me. (If someone else was making it, heck yea I'd eat some fancy food!)

I'm also poor so I have to try to keep the ingredients all simple and cheap for my budget. You'll hear plenty about me being poor because I am. Oh well, us lower class income ladies gotta keep it healthy too! (Anyone know of any single, hot, rich men????)

So here is my meal plan for the week:

Breakfast- Chocolate PB Banana Smoothie (typical I know)

Food Prep- freezing bananas

Snack- handful of mixed nuts

Lunch- My Vegan "Chipotle Bowl" (Mixed greens, brown rice, beans, avocado and salsa) (on a plate??)

I cooked all the brown rice for the week.

Dinner- Alternating Veggie and "Chicken" Burgers, roasted veggies, and sweet potato fries

Takes me about 15 minutes to make this. So. Freaking. Good.

Tomorrow I'm going to talk about my running and running problems. I have many. Maybe there are people in blogland that can understand or give some advice! Anyway that's all I got for tonight!


Mandy - the Running Herbivore

Sunday, July 7, 2013

What Happened to Me??

This blog is going to be a very random list of things going on in my life.

1. I finally got Vegucated and I'm so glad I did. It made my decision to be a Vegan even more solidified in my mind! I encourage everyone to watch it! (Netflix, fo free!)

2. I drank a cup of coffee with no creamer at all in it yesterday because I couldn't easily get a non-dairy creamer. I think this officially makes me a Coffee-Addict-Vegan.

3. I need to stop seeing my ex. He is bad for my mind, body, and soul. I have not eaten anything non Vegan because of him but I did have a large order of fries the other night when we were drinking and skipped a couple runs. That was not necessary. And he is in a bad place in his life and his attitude drags me down. Operation X-Factor starting today. No more contact!

4. I still lost a pound this week. 186 pounds. YAY!

5. I finally went grocery shopping and have an amazing supply of foods for the week! I'll detail that tomorrow!

6. I was extremely lacking pictures the past four or five days. I will show you what I have right now

 Publix Salad with every single vegetable/fruit/seed on the bar. Yum!

 Guacamole on sale for $1.50. #obsessed

Earth Fare dinner yesterday. Coconut/Lime Tofu, Vegan beans with veggies, and Vegan Rice. YUM!

7. I grocery shopped at Wal-Mart and I feel guilty. Why do I have to be poor!??!?

8. My parents made me a huge salad and grilled me a Veggie burger on Fourth of July. I love them!!

9. I wish tortilla chips were not Vegan because I'm addicted to eating them. I need to stop! No more ridiculous snacking this week!

10. This rain has got to stop. I need the sunshine. It makes me happy and I've been struggling with the happy factor this week! I go through ups and downs and this week was not my best. I'm feeling better already today and I need to make sure I only include things/people in my life that help with that.

That's all for today, I will DEFINITELY be back in regular blogging mode this week! Talk to you all tomorrow!


Mandy- the Running Herbivore

Monday, July 1, 2013

These are My Confessions (Sung Like Usher)

Oh my goodness, time flies when you're having fun! The whole weekend went by WAY too quickly!

I have some things to confess. First of all, it was my lady time of the month and Saturday was the worst of it, so I missed my long run Saturday morning and decided to move it to Sunday since I had a work out planned later in the morning anyway.

I tried a Barre class with my best friend, Jennifer! She raves about it and of course I heard lots of good things all over the blogosphere, so I wasn't going to miss that, lady pains be damned! It was so fun and my muscles were aching from top to bottom after that class! It was a great burn!

 Barre Inspired Bun!

Before Class with my bestie!

After freshening up, we headed over to a restaurant called Fern in Charlotte. It offers vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options! I'm not lying when I said we both had some of the most delicious meals ever!

 The adorable outside were we ate! The awning was really pretty, but its hard to see!

 Jennifer's meal.. Tofu Scramble with fresh fruit on the side. I took the leftovers home. Very good, but we decided it could have used more veggies! (they had soy, almond, and coconut creamer options for our coffee! YES!)

Now this meal! Wow, just WOW! Marinated tofu on sauteed spinach over quinoa and chickpea patty with Vegan Hollandaise over top of it all. I can't rave enough about this. The fruit was incredible too. I will definitely be going back there to try everything on the menu!

I have to just stop and say a few things about my best friend Jennifer. She inspires me on a daily basis. She started on her journey to get healthy a little after me, but when she started she literally took off running. She's a Marathoner and Vegan now and she is who I look to for inspiration when I feel like just giving up sometimes. Plus she has a ridiculously hot body that would make any girl in the gym work harder to attain themselves!! I am so beyond blessed to have her in my life!!!

Older Picture, I love my bestie!

So yes, it was a wonderful start to my weekend! After I left Charlotte I headed to my friend Ginger's son's birthday party. It was a pool party and I got to hang out with some fun girls, enjoy the sun, and have some yummy watermelon!

More confessions, I later headed to hang out with a guy I used to date. Needless to say, I shouldn't have done that. Exes are exes for a reason right?!? Well I had a few beers more than I wanted to, ate a little bit more than I wanted to, and stayed up a little later than I wanted to. I was lazy the next day because of all it (and being insanely sore from barre class) and missed my long run again! BAHHHH! But we don't give up when we fall down right?!?!

I ate perfectly all day Sunday and swore that Monday night I would get my two miles in! I made dinner at my parents house Sunday night. Stole all their leftover fresh veggies, some rice and threw it in a pan. Put some light soy sauce on it. Then added a little avocado on top after I took it off the stove. That was so good!

Today was a fresh start and I felt good waking up this morning! I ate a good breakfast, a typical one, even though my coworkers tempted me with McDonalds. Okay it really doesn't tempt me, I easily said no. I headed to one of my favorite grocery stores for lunch.

Lentil Salad poured on top of my veggie salad (with cranberries and sunflower seeds in it.) Heavenly!
The KIND bar was Strawberry and Peanut Butter and I wasn't sure about it when I bought it. I wasn't sure about it after I ate it a couple hours later either. Odd combo.

 I had orchestra rehearsal after work, so I headed home and made a quick dinner of jambalaya spiced rice with black beans and spinach. That will be my dinner for a few nights, so don't expect any more pictures of that yummy boringness! I'm a creature of habit!

After dinner I had rehearsal then headed home and immediately put on my running shoes! I got my two miles in, baby! It felt good because the sun was not out and there was a nice breeze out! I was still drenched in sweat after, but I was happy! I'll leave you tonight with a shameless selfie because I felt pretty today!

P.S. I lost THREE pounds. 187 lbs of pure determination!


Mandy - the Running Herbivore